Social Running Club - Every Tues 7pm at Snakes and Lattes
#RunningforBrews #SocialClub We love running, & we love craft beer!
Running for Brews Tempe - Cheaper Than Therapy!
A social running club that loves drinking craft brews! You can't mix fun (running) with pleasure (good beer)...said no one ever! Running For Brews is for all of those who enjoy getting out and breaking a sweat amongst the company of other fellow runners and then topping it off with an awesome craft brew and some great conversation. We meet Tuesday nights at Snakes 'n Lattes to run a beautiful 5k route on Tempe Town Lak, and then end our joyous run with cold brews (or glass of H2O), a happy hour menu priced just for us, and some great conversation!
All levels of runners (or walkers) are welcome. Go to for additional locations across the country!
Tuesdays- 7pm, Snakes and Lattes 'n Lattes
ALL RUNNERS MUST SIGN our one-time, online waiver!